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Structures & Hatches Engineering Specialist

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The Structure & Hatches Engineer position is a product design and development engineering role within the Structure & Survivability Group. The charter of the Structure & Survivability Group is the design, development, verification, and implementation of components related to Hull Structure, Integral and Applique Armor, Crew Hatches and Access Panels, including accompanying mechanisms, and Covers and Guards. This functional engineering team supports the entire portfolio of products and programsranging from new technology demonstration to pre-production development and ultimately full-scale vehicle production.

Hybrid: Due to the nature of the work, the role requires on site presence up to 80% of the time.

About the role:

As a member of this functional engineering team, the Structure & Hatches Engineer will execute the design and development of assigned detail hardware and/or welded assemblies associated with Doors, Hatches, Egress Ramps, Access Panels and their accompanying mechanisms (latches, hinges, actuation assists, etc.). The Structure & Hatches Engineer will also support the team with Structural hardware development as necessary. Achieving this broad function will involve the following activities:

  • Operating within cross-functional teams supporting program deliverables related to technical requirements, cost and schedule
  • Developing detail hardware concepts using CAD modeling tools and ensuring developed concepts meet all technical requirements
  • Collaborating with engineering peers within the project team to ensure developed concepts support a balanced system level approach that achieves the necessary performance requirements
  • Collaborating with drafting personnel in maturing design concepts to a production-ready state
  • Oversee the release of hardware models and drawings
  • Provide support to the manufacturing organization in the fabrication and integration of developed hardware onto prototype and/or production platforms
  • Provide support, as required, for testing and verification of developed hardware
  • Provide support for Root Cause and Corrective Action (RCCA) analysis to resolve identified technical issues with prototype and/or production hardware

The Structure & Hatches Engineer role is a junior to mid-level engineering position. Successful candidates will meet the following requirements:

  • Bachelors degree or higher in Mechanical Engineering
  • 5-7 years of experience developing and releasing technical designs on a vehicle program level is required
  • Experience executing designs from paper to physical hardware and overseeing their successful integration at a system level is required
  • Experience with kinematic-based mechanism design, helical torsion springs, torsion bar springs, and gas assist hardware is required
  • Experience developing structural hardware including technical familiarity with welding techniques is desired
  • Experience with RCCA methods is required
  • Experience with Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing methods is required
  • Familiarity with Teamcenter is desired
  • Travel up to 10% may be required.

This assignment is a US Government Contract which requires all applicants to be US Citizens.

No third-party applicants will be considered. If you are a third party contracting company, please do not respond to this position.

Last updated on Oct 16, 2023

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