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itmtanzanialimited · 30+ days ago
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<p><strong>QUALIFICATIONS</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>EXPERIENCES</strong> <strong>REQUIRED</strong></p><p>Technician, or equivalent with sound knowledge in Documentation management through EDMS</p><p>Minimum 5 years of experience in Oil &amp; Gas Industry and minimum 5 years with similar large-scale projects &amp; environment.</p><p>Ability to work under pressure and stressing conditions.</p><p>Team spirit and adaptability to an international work context.</p><p>Ability to work in a multi-cultural business environment.</p><p>Good interpersonal and communication skills.</p><p>Fluent in English (speaking and writing).</p><p><strong>ACTIVITIES:</strong></p><p> Responsible for the administration, distribution, publishing and updating of the controlled all documents and</p><p>Deliverables for EITS logistics activities, using the <strong>EACOP Electronic Data Management System</strong>, to</p><p>various parties.</p><p> To set-up documents workflow / distributions matrix for document to be issued by MLC in coordination with</p><p>MLC Document person in charge</p><p> Liaise with EACOP document control Leader for managing interfaces documents</p><p> Responsible for receipt, registration, distribution, filing and archiving of incoming documents from MLC</p><p>Contractor.</p><p> Liaise with MLC to receive, transmit and administer technical/Logistics documents through transmittal notes</p><p> Ensure accurate reporting of her/his activities within the MLC Project Control` Leader</p><p> Filing of all EACOP Logistics correspondence (letters, memos, transmittal notes etc.), maintaining <strong>EACOP</strong></p><p><strong>Electronic Data Management System</strong> up to date</p><p> Follow-up and keep up to date all latest revisions of the COMPANY / project typical documents (templates,</p><p>presentations, pictures, etc.).</p><p> Prepare slides when necessary for presentations or meetings.</p><p> Assist the EACOP Logistics team members to maintain an organized filing system in line with the EACOP</p><p>project filing plan.</p><p></p> •

Last updated on Nov 4, 2024

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