The Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) is an institute of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. (FVB). The FVB comprises seven non-university research institutes in Berlin which are funded by the federal and state governments. The research institutes belong to the Leibniz Association.
(Ref. 23/16)
in the Research Group
“Nonsmooth Variational Problems and Operator Equations”
(Head: Prof. Dr. M. Hintermüller) starting as soon as possible.
Field of work: Optimization with partial differential equations under uncertainty. The position is dedicated to the analysis of these problems and the design of efficient algorithms for their solution. An emphasis will be placed on the implementation of the designed algorithms. Two different areas of focus are possible:
The chosen student will be part of the collaborative research center TRR 154: Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Optimization Using the Example of Gas Networks, an interdisciplinary team of researchers located in Berlin, Erlangen, and Darmstadt. The PhD students within this program benefit from regular meetings, trans-regional summer and winter schools, regular lectures and block courses given by guest researchers.
Wanted: A motivated, outstanding student with a master’s degree in mathematics. A strong background in the theory and numerics of partial differential equations and a very good background in optimization and/or stochastic analysis is required.
What we offer:
Please direct scientific queries to Dr. C. Geiersbach (
The appointment is limited until 30.06.2026. The reduced work schedule is 29.25 hours per week, and the salary is according to the German TVoeD Bund scale.
The Weierstrass Institute is an equal opportunity employer. We explicitly encourage female researchers to apply for the offered position. Among equally qualified applicants, disabled candidates will be given preference.
Please upload complete application documents including a cover letter, curriculum vitae and photocopies of relevant certificates via our online job-application facility using the button “Apply online”.
The advertisement is open with immediate effect and will remain open until the position will be filled.
We are looking forward to your application!
•Last updated on Jun 25, 2023
Berlin, Berlin
·30+ days ago
Berlin, Berlin
·30+ days ago
30+ days ago
30+ days ago
München, Bayern
·30+ days ago
Emmerthal, Lower Saxony
·30+ days ago
Munich, Bavaria
·30+ days ago
Schweinfurt, Bavaria
·30+ days ago
Munich, Bavaria
·30+ days ago
Leipzig, Saxony
·30+ days ago
Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia
·30+ days ago
Berlin, Berlin
·30+ days ago
Berlin, Berlin
·30+ days ago
Berlin, Berlin
·30+ days ago
Berlin, Berlin
·30+ days ago