TRAVEL - LPN (648) - Neuro Tower - Swedish MC - Nights
Unit Information: (Neuro- 66817)
Location: Swedish Medical Center
Address:501 E. Hampden Ave. Englewood Co, 80113
Floor:7th (south and tower)
Building:501- main hospital
General Information
Tell us about the unit(s):
Number of Beds -38
Number of Staff – 55
Type of staff:
Day Shift – 2 charges (without patients), 4-5:1 RN ratio, 2 PCT
Night Shift – 1-2 charges (depending on staffing), 4-5:1 RN ratio, 2 PCT
Patient Ratios – Call for 4:1, running some 5:1 right now due to staffing
Type of equipment – IV pumps, Seizure monitoring, Bi-pap, C-pap (mostly at night), glucometer
EMR -Meditech
Typical hiring profile
Skill Set Most recruited for: (Travel RNs, local CNAs and sitters)
Must have: candidates without these skills will not be considered for the role.
NIH certification, BLS,
heavy med-surg background
must have IV Certification
Preferred or nice to have: candidates with these skills will be considered first.
Neuro experience
List typical procedures performed on unit(s):
NIH/stroke assessments/neuro assessments
Fall risk assessment
Trach care
Feeding tubes
Best personality Fit:
Highly motivated
Team player
Unit Guidelines/Policies: Please feel free to attach unit policies and guidelines.
Neuro Clinical Practice Guidelines for stroke (AANN)
Any additional information that would entice a worker to select your unit for their assignment: Consider items such as new equipment or technology, tenure and experience of staff, schedule options, etc. *Remember it is a very competitive market any information you can provide will help attract talent. We are looking for candidates who are passionate for neuro patient population and who hopefully have experience with neuro. Able to multi-task and work as a team player. Great critical thinking skills, can take initiative, thinks on feet well, positive, energetic, flexible, engaged with patient experience tactics •
Last updated on Oct 5, 2023