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Monitoring hormonal and metabolic signaling in response to environmental pollutant challenges using zebrafish embryos

A postdoctoral position is available as part of the EU HORIZON-RIA project “TOXBOX: Toxicology-testing platform integrating immunocompetent in vitro/ex vivo modules with real-time sensing and machine learning based in silico models for life cycle assessment and SSbD”.The project aims to develop a modular, integrated and ergonomic toolbox for safety and sustainability assessment in a “plug and play” standardized microfluidic architecture, incorporating the most relevant associated biological models at single organ and systemic/full organism level, including human health and environmental assessment. The concept will be validated using nanoparticles, biocides and endocrine disruptors as test substances.

The projected starting date should be spring 2024. Funding is initially provided for a period of 1 year (full-time), with the possibility of extension for up to 3 years. Part-time employment is also possible.


In your project, you will be responsible for the zebrafish part of the project. You will generate new transgenic zebrafish lines for monitoring hormonal and metabolic signaling and adapt imaging and data acquisition from these lines for integration into the new device. Detailed analysis employing the wealth of resources for OMICS, genetics and imaging studies available in the zebrafish model system will further explore the mechanisms of toxicity of the tested compounds. From these studies, you will derive new insights on how compound induced (de-)regulation of gene expression and metabolism impacts on embryonic development, physiology and/or behavior.


Eligible candidates should hold a doctoral degree in life sciences and should have a strong background in imaging/microscopy technologies. Previous experience with zebrafish and/or with OMICS analysis are additional assets.

KIT aims to balance the number of female and male employees. We therefore kindly ask female researchers to apply. If qualified, applicants with disabilities will be preferred.


The IBCS-BIP at KIT offers excellent laboratory space and equipment, state of the art fish facilities, a zebrafish screening center and a stimulating scientific environment. The KIT also hosts the European Zebrafish Resource Center (EZRC), which allows for easy access to a wealth of transgenic lines and mutants. Outside KIT, project partners include groups at universities, research institutes and companies, for example in Dublin, Barcelona and Strasbourg.

Applications must include a letter of motivation, an informative CV, a list of publications, and the names and contact details of at least two potential referees. All documents should be merged into a single pdf file, be labelled with the applicant´s surname, and be sent by email to:

Dr. Thomas Dickmeis

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Institute of Biological and Chemical Systems – Biological Information Processing (IBCS-BIP)

Karlsruhe, Germany

Looking forward to receiving your application!

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 19.04.2024

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Über das Unternehmen

Institute of Biological and Chemical Systems - Biological Information ProcessingDas Institute of Biological and Chemical Systems - Biological Information Processing führt Forschung zu biologischer Informationsverarbeitung durch. Ihr Ziel ist es, Erkenntnisse über natürliche Systeme zu gewinnen und dieses Wissen auf praktische Anwendungen zu übertragen.

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