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Secret Evaluator in Sheffield

CXG · 30+ days ago
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Imagine getting paid to grace the stores of the world's top luxury and premium brands...!

Luxury brands are looking for your customer feedback to improve their customer experience, in store and online !

If you enjoy shopping and are looking for an occasional hobby and to make some extra money, during lunch break or after work, this may be the opportunity for you.

This is the opportunity CXG currently has available for expert male and female shoppers in Sheffield. Simply visit a boutique (and/or browse the brand's website), share your insights in a survey and get rewarded.

To join our community, register through the link below and we will be in touch.

We look forward to welcoming you in our community !


Passion for luxury and premium brand, constructive mindset to share candid feedback

Last updated on Aug 20, 2023

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About the company

CXGCXG offre servizi di pubblicità e marketing per aiutare le aziende a crescere nel mercato italiano.

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Secret Evaluator in Sheffield
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