<h3>Are you a problem solver with great curiousity about new technologies and approaches? Then you should join us at Zool. </h3><h3><br></h3><p>We see complex environments as an opportunity to simplify and we love challenges. And, even though we want to have the flexibility to work in different organizations and areas we still want a stable employment with modern leadership. If this is a deal breaker for you too, we need to meet!</p><p>We are now looking for embedded software developers, with the following areas of expertise:<br></p><ul><li>Test driven development</li> <li>C and/or C++</li><li>Python</li></ul><p> </p><p>You have:</p><ul><li>A great curiousity about new technologies and approaches</li><li>Bachelor's or Master's degree in Electronics, Computer Science or a related field</li><li>At least 3 years of experience of Embedded systems</li><li>Fluent communication skills in English</li></ul><p><br></p><p>Why should you become a Zooler?<br></p><ul><li>We have built our culture around continuous improvement, (e)quality and tranparency which influences everything we do. At some companies they are just nice words in a company presentation. We have been there done that.</li></ul><ul><li>You will have full access to a fantastic team with outstanding experience and a great sense of humor.</li><li>.... and much more... let´s meet and we´ll tell you more. Until then, you can see some examples on <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/zool-engineering/">https://www.linkedin.com/company/zool-engineering/</a></li></ul> •
Last updated on Apr 18, 2023