The Tribe
'Prozis is a powerhouse product developing company. Every day we make new products. That is only possible because we developed our own proprietary technology that ensures that we bring you high quality, beautiful and fair priced products. We endure in our philosophy of a 4.0 vertical process, manufacturing in our own facilities or with the help of our superpartners. We do everything: idea, concept, design, manufacturing, quality control, marketing, sales, logistics, printing, distribution, client support, software development, photo, video, 3D and philosophy. We deliver wherever you are, whenever you want. We don’t compromise. We breathe technology, drink design and feed on our will to exceed ourselves making the best products in the world. This all starts in 2007 with a crazy guy in a garage that thinks he can change the world for the better. Right now, we are hundreds, going to thousands of crazy but focused people. Will is a skill. There is a lot of people that want to buy us out. We don’t have a F****** price tag. It’s not about the money. It’s about our mission. Trust us. We will feed your body and mind with everything you need to exceed yourself.'
- miguel milhão
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Apply here and let us know just why it is that you are the right person to join our team!
Come #ExceedYourself
btw: Prozis is not for everyone.
Nos termos da Política de Recrutamento do grupo PROZIS, a pessoa portadora de deficiência, nos termos da Lei n.º 38/2004, de 18/08, cuja candidatura não tenha sido admitida ou respondida no prazo de 30 dias, tem a faculdade de pedir a fundamentação da decisão e a sua reavaliação através de pedido apresentado no canal de denúncias constante de, na categoria 'direitos e protecção dos indivíduos'.
•Last updated on Nov 29, 2017
30+ days ago
30+ days ago
30+ days ago
30+ days ago
30+ days ago
Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia
·30+ days ago
Erfurt, Thuringia
·30+ days ago
Bad Vilbel, Hessen
·30+ days ago
Bielefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia
·30+ days ago
Hamburg, Hamburg
·30+ days ago
Johannesburg, Gauteng
·30+ days ago
30+ days ago
Greenhithe, England
·30+ days ago
30+ days ago