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Epic Implementation Consultant (Ambulatory Care)

ccgllc · 30+ days ago
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1) Serves as a senior team member for the system implementation and support of Epic Ambulatory EMR

2) Candidate will be required to attend Epic Certification classes and pass Epic certification process

3) Develops and implements the validation sessions for the current and future state analysis and documentation

4) Develops and maintains all project documentation being: project work plan, issue log, current and future state design documents, test scripts and testing results

5) Maintains on-going system support which includes upgrades and implementing additional functionality of the Epic System

6) Serve as primary support contact and coordinates issue resolution for the Epic Ambulatory EMR module

7) Perform in-depth analysis of workflows, data collection, report details, and other technical issues associated with the software

8) Provides production on-call support

Ideal candidate has minimum 6+ years of experience in the implementation and support of ambulatory unit

Candidate should have experience as an analyst for ambulatory EMR solutions.

Clinical background and experience desirable

Candidate must have strong project management and organizational skills

All your information will be kept confidential according to EEO guidelines. Cornerstone Consulting Group, LLC is an equal opportunity employer and considers qualified applicants for employment regardless of race, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, color, religion, disability, veteran's status, sexual orientation, or any other protected factor.

Last updated on Nov 12, 2023

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