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Senior Mobile SRE Engineer

finalsite · 30+ days ago
100% Remote
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Finalsite is the preferred website, communications, enrollment, and marketing platform of more than 7,000 schools and school districts in 119 countries around the world. The company’s people, products and services transform how schools connect and engage with their community, recruit students and staff, and fundraise; while managing the complex requirements around data privacy, accessibility, hosting and security. Finalsite products and services include award-winning website designs, a robust content management system, mass communications tools, a powerful enrollment management system, innovative inbound marketing tools, data integration, training, support and marketing consulting. Finalsite is headquartered in Glastonbury, CT, USA with employees who work remotely in nearly every state in the U.S. as well as Europe, South America, and Asia. For more information, please visit

Finalsite will transform the way school communities engage with their schools.


As a Senior Mobile SRE Engineer, will work closely with the Mobile Product Development team and larger SRE team. The position will evangelize and be responsible for the health, observability, and maintainability of the Finalsite production environment as well as the associated auxiliary components that drive our day to day business. An ideal candidate would have a background in both software development, with solid groundings in the fundamentals of computer science as well as the systems skills necessary to understand and operate within both contexts.


Hybrid, Chennai, TN, India

  • A deep understanding of fault tolerance in both software and systems terms, being able to speak to architectural design patterns around both.
  • A desire to automate everything. Whether that be infrastructure as code or tooling to eliminate toil, automation should be a core focus of your mindset and the elimination of repetitive tasks should be a constant desire in the role.
  • Natural curiosity. You aren’t simply satisfied with something working, you want to know why it works and how it works.
  • A mindset of total ownership - you aren’t afraid to dig into things you’ve never worked on before, from the browser all the way to the persistence layer. You’ve got a solid foundation in debugging, and can jump in when needed to any problem you’re asked to help with.
  • An architectural mind. You understand the fundamentals of distributed computing and look for ways to make systems more resilient, self-healing, and eliminate the need for human intervention as much as possible.

  • Minimum 6 years of combined experience serving in either a Devops, SRE, Systems, and/or software development role.
  • Extensive experience with the public cloud (AWS & GCP)
  • Deep knowledge of workload orchestration and containerization (Kubernetes, Docker).
  • Solid automation experience within both the scripting side (Bash, Ruby, Python) as well as the infrastructure as code side (Terraform).
  • CI/CD Experience with platforms such as Gitlab or Jenkins.
  • Proven track record of being able to support critical production systems with minimal downtime.
  • Previous development experience on any of the following:
    • Ruby on rails
    • Swift
    • Objective-C
    • React
  • Willingness to participate in our 24x7x365 on-call rotation.
  • Experience mentoring both other developers and more junior engineers.
  • Bonus Points:
    • Fastline
    • Helm / Kapitan
    • Golang experience (especially within the context of the k8s api)

Link to All Staff Competencies and Mental and Physical Requirements


Finalsite offers 100% fully remote employment opportunities, however, these opportunities are limited to permanent residents of India. Current residency, as well as continued residency, within India is required to obtain (and retain) employment with Finalsite.


Finalsite is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and is an affirmative action employer. We are committed to equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, gender identity or Veteran status. We also consider qualified applicants regardless of criminal histories, consistent with legal requirements. EEO is the Law. If you have a disability or special need that requires accommodation, please contact Finalsite's People Operations Team. Finalsite is committed to the full inclusion of all qualified individuals. As part of this commitment, Finalsite will ensure that persons with disabilities or special needs are provided a reasonable accommodation. Ensure your Finalsite job offer is legitimate and don't fall victim to fraud. Ask your recruiter for a phone call or other type of verbal communication and ensure all email correspondence is from a email address. For added security, where possible, apply through our company website at

Last updated on Mar 22, 2024

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