<h3>Do you share our passion for Embedded Systems and want to break new ground together with the most brilliant minds in the tech industry?</h3><h3><br></h3><p>We are looking for embedded software developers, with the following areas of expertise:<br></p><ul><li>Test driven development</li><li>C and/or C++</li><li>Python</li><li>AUTOSAR</li></ul><p> </p><p>You have:</p><ul><li>A great curiousity about new technologies and approaches</li><li>Bachelor's or Master's degree in Electronics, Computer Science or a related field</li><li>At least 4 years of experience of Embedded systems</li><li>Fluent communication skills in English</li><li>Basic communication skills in Swedish</li></ul><p> </p><p>Why should you become a Zooler?<br></p><ul><li>We have built our culture around continuous improvement, (e)quality and tranparency which influences everything we do. At some companies they are just nice words in a company presentation. We have been there done that.</li></ul><ul><li>You will have full access to a fantastic team with outstanding experience and a great sense of humor.</li><li>.... and much more... let´s meet and we´ll tell you more. Until then, you can see some examples on <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/zool-engineering/">https://www.linkedin.com/company/zool-engineering/</a></li></ul><p><br></p> •
Last updated on Jul 17, 2023