Employers / Recruiters

Experienced Sage 200 Consultant

pkfsmithcoopersystems · 30+ days ago
Prospect House
<h3>Reporting to our implementation manager, we require an experienced Sage 200 consultant to join our busy delivery team. </h3><p>This is NOT a trainee position so the successful candidate should have a proven track record of Sage 200 implementations, along with a working knowledge of the add-on market. Knowledge of the Sicon product range and/or Manufacturing (Sage 200 or Sicon) is particularly desirable.</p><p>Crucial to all applicants will be enthusiasm, ability to work as part of a team and a good work ethic. Customer service is very important to our company, so a customer-first attitude and a strong desire to produce quality projects are also essential.<br></p><h5>Why Smith Cooper?</h5><p>In return, we can offer, a great company with a clear growth plan and the appetite to execute it, a great working environment/team ethos plus lots of great projects to get stuck into immediately. </p><p>Again, this is NOT a trainee role. However, the opportunity to develop your career with our company will be significant for anyone who can contribute to our positive, forward-thinking environment. We also have a proven track record of internal promotion.</p><p>We operate a flexible working policy and, due to the current climate, the majority of our consultancy team are now largely home-based. As such, all geographies are welcome. However, candidates based in the Midlands or the South of England would be at a distinct advantage. </p><p>If you are an experienced Sage 200 consultant who is bored or undervalued in your current role, is in between jobs due to the current economic climate or just simply fancy a new challenge, then please get in touch.</p> •

Last updated on Apr 25, 2023

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