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Comparison of Cloud-Native Architectures for implementing a Food Waste Reduction System

knightec · 30+ days ago
Rättarvägen 3
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<h5>High Level Description</h5><p>This Bachelor thesis focuses on exploring architectures used in cloud-native applications and identifying their strengths and weaknesses. The thesis will involve a theoretical part in which a comparative study is done in current cloud-native architectures. The practical part consists of designing and implementing a cloud-native application to help households and offices reduce food waste through smart inventory management and timed notifications.  </p><h5>Project Description</h5><p>The project will involve developing an application that enables users to scan product barcodes and expiry dates, retrieve and store product information, creating a cloud-based backend for data storage and notification management and design a notification systems for expiring products.</p><p>The research focuses on comparing different cloud-native architectures for scalability and performance, evaluating the effectiveness of different architectural approaches, deploying and testing the solution in a real-world environment.</p><h5>Who Are We Looking For</h5><p>Students in a Bachelor/Master of Science in Computer Science/Engineering program</p><h5>Purpose</h5><p>The purpose of this research is to generate knowledge in the field of cloud computing by exploring and evaluating architectural approaches for building modern cloud-native applications. This could help software developers and architects in decisions that impacts projects and software development life cycle.</p> •

Last updated on Nov 4, 2024

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