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P-PERSUAP Specialist (Consultant)

myAgro · 30+ days ago
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Period of Performance:

o/a Sept 30, 2024, to October 29, 2024

Level of Effort:

Up to 30 days 

Assignment location:


Reports to:

Impact Director


myAgro is a non-profit agritech social enterprise based in West Africa. myAgro, is also a fintech company that offers a layaway savings plan to buy agricultural inputs. myAgro is an example of a fintech that is also an AgriTech, illustrating how fintechs embed themselves in particular industries (here in Agriculture, but a similar pattern emerges in health and education industries). myAgro provides mobile saving solutions that allows farmers to invest their own funds in high-quality seed, fertilizer, and agricultural training to increase their harvest and income by 50-100%. As an AgriTech, myAgro does agricultural research, including figuring out the most economical and effective way to use their products in order to give the farmers the best value for their money. myAgro, declared their intent to serve women and have deployed gender-intelligent design principles to develop their products and services, This resulted in more women-oriented customer experiences. myAgro acts as an agent for FSPs to provide financial services to areas with limited connectivity. Example: myAgro, an agritech would enter a  black spot with little or no mobile coverage with offline solutions. Once they get enough traction, they show their partner MNO the need for mobile money and connectivity in such an area and the MNO, eager to increase their market share, usually complies. myAgro North Star is to support 1 million farmers in 2026 - providing them the tools they need to prosper. myAgro has received recognition and support from Skoll Foundation, Echoing Green, World Bank, and The Audacious Project from TED. Learn more from our founder and CEO  here.

About the activity:

This project titled “Empowering Farmers towards Sustainable Production and Food Security in Senegal '' with the goal to to revitalize food security in USAID Senegal Feed the Future (FtF) Zones of Influence (ZOI), including within administrative regions of Fatick, Kaffrine, Kaolack, Kolda, Matam, Saint louis, Sedhiou, and Ziguinchor, as well as Niayes (Thies and Nord-Ouest Regions) and to address specific gaps in yield improvements, including the provision of  high-quality inputs (including seeds and fertilizer) through a flexible layaway payment platform, and training on climate-smart agricultural methods. The overarching goal of this activity is to empower farmers towards sustainable yield increase and food security in Senegal over the course of the grant period. Ultimately, activity theory of change states that if farmers, particularly women, are supported to increase access to high-quality inputs (including seeds and fertilizer) through a flexible layaway payment platform, and trained to apply climate resilient practices, then their yield and farm productivity will increase, leading to improved food security, household income and livelihoods. The expected quantifiable results over the life-of-the-program include the entrepreneurial skills of 1,500 village entrepreneurs improved, 275,000 farmers including 60% women enrolled by VEs for packages on the myAgro layaway platform and 550,000 farmers (60% women) trained on climate-smart agricultural methods as a result of the USG assistance. Ultimately, these should translate into about 27, 000 ha of land brought under improved management technologies and practices; 221% increased yield and 225$ increased household income of participating farmers as a result of USG assistance is expected to be realized by the end of the life of the program. Three major objectives will lead to the realization of the goal. The objectives, activities, outputs, outcomes and impacts are listed below:

Objective 1. Capacitate 1,500 Village Entrepreneurs through training to improve entrepreneurial skills and enroll 275,000 farmers using the myAgro layaway model

  • Field team contracts 1,500 VEs

  • Training agents onboard 1,500 VEs

  • VEs apply their entrepreneurship skills and use the myAgro Connect application to enroll 275,000 farmers

  • Training agents provide ongoing coaching and support to VEs during enrollment

Output 1.1. VEs capacitated (knowledge & skills) to improve entrepreneurial skills

Output 1.2. Increased farmers delivered by VEs for packages on the myAgro layaway platform

Outcome 1. Equitable access to men and women to farm investments opportunities (i.e. flexible payments, agricultural inputs and services)

 Impact 1. Increased access to farm investments for men and women

Objective 2. Train 550,000 farmers on improved agronomic practices and technologies proven to increase the yield and resilience of crops in the face of the climate crisis

  • Training Agents deliver monthly village climate-smart agriculture training sessions for seven months of the year

Output 2.1. Improved knowledge and skills of farmers (men and women) in climate-smart agricultural methods

Outcome 2. Improved practices in climate-smart agricultural methods  

Impact 2. Increased yield and resilience of crops in the face of climate crisis 

Objective 3. 275,000 farmers access high-quality inputs, apply climate-resilient practices, improve yields and income

  • myAgro delivers inputs to 275,000 farmers (60% women) in the target areas who have completed payment for core season packages

  • Call Center Agents provide follow up calls and ongoing mobile support to delivered farmers during planting season. 

Output 3.1. Improved access to packages of high-quality agricultural inputs including seeds and fertilizers


Output 3.2. Improved knowledge and skills of farmers (men and women) on effective use of  seeds and fertilizers

Outcome 3.1. Increased used of  high-quality agricultural inputs including seeds and fertilizers

Outcome 3.2. Percent women using  high-quality Agricultural inputs including seeds and fertilizers

Impact 3. Increased household income


Position Summary:

Under the supervision of the Impact Director, the Pesticide Evaluation specialist will be responsible for developing the Pesticide Evaluation Report and Safer Use Action Plan (PERSUAP). The work to be performed will take into account the relevant sections of the project contract as annexed to the current Scope of Work.


Scope of work

Procurement or use of pesticides on USAID-funded or managed activities requires compliance with the Agency’s pesticide procedures, 22 CFR 216.3(b). In compliance with these procedures, this Programmatic Pesticide Evaluation Report and Safer Use Action Plan (P-PERSUAP):  

  • Establishes the set of pesticides for which procurement, use or support for use is authorized for agricultural activities across the USAID/Senegal portfolio.  

  • Establishes the conditions under which the authorized pesticides may be procured, used, or their use supported to best ensure user, consumer and environmental safety. 

These requirements address the following production value chains: peanuts, bissap, watermelon, niebe, rice, maize, millet, gombo/Okra; pepper and bissap green leafy vegetables. In addition to production, seed treatment and post-harvest storage should be addressed.

This P-PERSUAP reviews pesticides to be used for main production of the above crops as identified by USAID/Senegal. The P-PERSUAP examines and determines whether each pesticide (i.e., Active Ingredients (AI)) is appropriate for USAID-supported activities. The criteria for approval of pesticide use (broadly defined) for USAID support include:  

  • Pesticide (AI and product) must be registered in Senegal;  

  • Active ingredients must be registered by US EPA for same or similar use; 

  • and  Similar products containing this active ingredient(s) must be registered in the U.S. 


Responsibilities Include:

  • Review the following documents which will be annexed to this SOW with separate attachments

    • USAID Pesticide procedures FY2024

    • Environment Compliance Section of the Feed the Future agricultural Inputs policy, including IPM, pesticide selection and use, Compatibility of the proposed pesticide use with target and non-target ecosystems, storage, use and disposal, etc.

    • Project technical Proposal

    • Project 2024 work plan


  • Conduct interviews on pesticide management with myAgro stakeholders (i.e. farmers, VEs, agrodealers, etc)

  • Conduct meetings with key personnel of the project to establish pesticide management strategies and develop a list of potential environmental impacts from proposed activities

  • Establishes the set of pesticides for which support is authorized on USAID/Senegal agricultural programmatic activities.  

  • Establishes requirements attendant to support for these pesticides, such that said use/support: (1) embodies the principles of safer pesticide use, and (2) per USAID policy, is within an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) framework

  • Characterizes pest management needs for the subject USAID projects (PER), the availability of pesticides, the level of pesticide awareness among potential beneficiaries, and the critical local context. 

  • Conduct an assessment of the 12 pesticide risk evaluation factors required by 22 CFR 216.3(b). 

  • Establishes the set of authorized pesticides and requirements for Safer Use.

  • Provide a succinct, stand-alone statement of compliance requirements, synthesized from the 12-factor analysis (SUAP). 

  • Provide a template for assigning responsibilities and timelines for implementation of these requirements.

  • Incorporate feedback and provide revisions to the project work plan 


Exit criteria

  1. Pesticides Evaluation Report (PER)

  2. Safer Use Action Plan (SUAP) 


Illustrative Deliverables and Deadlines:

Draft PERSUAP report: September 30tth

Final PERSUAP Report: October 15th

Last updated on Sep 20, 2024

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About the company

myAgromyagro offre une solution d'épargne et de crédit pour les petits agriculteurs afin d'améliorer leur productivité et leurs revenus. Ils fournissent également des formations agricoles et des outils de gestion.

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