<p><strong>Who we are </strong><br></p><p>The Birmingham Disability Resource Centre (DRC) is a registered charity 1034581 and a company limited by guarantee 2897250. It is also a Disabled People’s Organisation (DPO) which means that it is an organisation run by disabled people for disabled people. An important feature of DPO organisations is that 80% of their key decision makers are disabled or have a long term health condition. Applications are therefore actively encouraged from individuals with a disability or long term health condition who are also women and/or from ethnic minoritised communities to help us ensure our Board of Trustees is representative of the communities we serve.</p><p><strong><strong>The Role of Board Trustee</strong></strong></p><p>The organisation is looking for individuals with a broad range of skills and are particularly keen to hear from individuals with experience in one or more of the following areas:</p><ul><li>Law</li><li>Marketing & communications</li><li>Digital technologies and IT</li><li>Information governance (including GDPR)</li><li>Safeguarding and clinical governance </li></ul><p>Board Trustees provide strategic leadership for the organisation and have a number of statutory duties including: </p><ul><li>Ensuring that DRC complies with its governing documents, company law and any other legislation or regulations</li><li>Ensuring that DRC pursues its objectives as defined in its governing documents</li><li>Ensuring that DRC uses its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects</li><li>Contributing actively to the Board’s role in giving firm strategic direction to the organisation, setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets and evaluating performance against them</li><li>Safeguarding the good name and values of DRC</li><li>Ensuring the effective and efficient administration of DRC</li><li>Ensuring the financial stability of DRC</li><li>Protecting and managing the property of the organisation and ensuing the proper organisation’s funds</li><li>Be a critical friend to the Chief Executive </li></ul><p><strong>Person Description</strong></p><p>Trustees will have a strong empathy with our mission to empower disabled people and those with long term health conditions to take control of their own lives and to actively seek out opportunities to achieve their full potential as individuals in mainstream society by building a sustainable business. They will also have:</p><ul><li> skills, knowledge or experience applicable to running an organisation and the ability to use these to help the Board reach sound decisions</li><li> an ability to scrutinise processes and suggest improvements</li><li> attention to detail</li><li> commitment to the organisation</li><li> a willingness to devote the necessary time and effort</li><li> strategic vision</li><li> good independent judgement</li><li> ability to think creatively</li><li> willingess to speak their mind</li><li> understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of being a trustee</li><li> willingness to comply with the policies and procedures in place at DRC and to role model the organsiations’ core values and behaviours</li><li> ability to work effetively as part of a team</li><li> willingness to comply with Nolan's seven principles of public life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership</li></ul><p><strong>Commitment</strong></p><p>We are looking for Trustees who have the broad range of skills and experience to help us develop and grow over the years to come. The position is voluntary and normally lasts for a three-year term. </p><p>The commitment involves:</p><ul><li>Reading and responding to emails via a dedicated email account that will be set up for such use</li><li>Reading papers/ reports in preparation for meetings</li><li>Attending meetings (approximately once every two months) – up to two hours, usually during normal working hours.</li><li>Attendance at our Annual General Meeting (once per year).</li><li>Being actively involved in meetings and scrutinising / challenging where appropriate.</li><li>Attendance at board planning days (once per year usually half a day).</li><li>From time-to-time we have sub / task and finish groups who meet more frequently, for example to develop a specific work-stream where your skills experience may be needed. Sub groups would meet up to 6 times per year.</li><li>From time-to-time Trustees may attend training, conferences, networking or strategic meetings relevant to their specialist skills and experience.</li></ul><p>Whilst the role is a voluntary position; reasonable expenses to attend meetings can be claimed.</p> •
Last updated on Sep 4, 2024